Vanessa Marquez, an actress who had a recurring role in the hit TV series “ER,” was fatally shot by police as she waved what turned out to be a BB gun, authorities said on Friday. Officers had gone to her home in the Los Angeles suburb of Pasadena on Thursday to conduct a welfare check when the 49-year-old Marquez grabbed what looked like a handgun and pointed it at officers, said Sergeant Joe Mendoza, of the LA Sheriff’s Department. He said after the incident “officers checked the weapon and they discovered it was a BB-type gun that resembled a semi-automatic handgun.” Mendoza said Marquez’s landlord had called police to check on her and when officers arrived she appeared to be having a seizure. He said the officers and a mental health clinician spoke with Marquez “for over an hour and a half in an attempt to offer her medical care.” “She then armed herself with a handgun and pointed it at the officers, at which time an officer-involved shooting occurred,” he said. Marq...
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